marcie schwartz marcie schwartz

Listening Activity

This is an I spy game only with sound. Tell your children the game involves being silent so they can hear the many sounds in nature they might miss if busy talking or distracted.

Listening and Language Games

Silent Adventures – The Natural World

Take a walk out in nature. This is an I Spy game only with sound. Tell your children the game involves being silent so they can hear the many sounds in nature they might miss if busy talking or distracted. Give each person a piece of paper and a pen. When they notice a sound, have them write down what they hear. If you have young children, you can team up and write for them. See how many different sounds you hear. More than likely, you might tune in to different sounds the other doesn’t notice.

Conversation Starter – Ask these questions:

★ Why do you think we heard different things?

★ Did you ever think about all the sounds in nature that happen when we are not paying attention? Did you have a favorite sound? Why? How did it make you feel? How does not talking feel?

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marcie schwartz marcie schwartz

Listening Activity

Begin by saying you are going to play a game where they try to guess if you are telling the truth. Explain you might try to trick them, so they need to listen carefully not only to your words but also to your tone, facial expression, and body language.

Listening and Language Games

Hidden Meaning

Begin by saying you are going to play a game where they try to guess if you are telling the truth. Explain you might try to trick them, so they need to listen carefully not only to your words but also to your tone, facial expression, and body language. Draw upon your acting skills to make this fun. Below is an example.

Amy: “Hi Sadie. I heard you got the new video game everyone wants.”

Sadie: “Yeah, my dad ordered it online months ago so I would be one of the first kids to have it.”

Amy: “Wow! You are so lucky to have such a nice dad. I wish my dad was as nice as yours.”

Amy: “I love your hair. I wish my hair was as curly as yours.”

Sadie: “Thanks.”

Amy: “I love your green boots, too. That green is my favorite color. What color is your room?”

Sadie: “Purple and yellow.”

Amy: “I love those colors too. Maybe I can come over and see your room sometime and we can play your video game?”

Conversation Starter – Ask these questions:

★ Do you think Sadie should let Amy come over to play her new video game?

★ How would you know if Amy’s favorite color is green?

★ Do you think Amy really likes Sadie or does she just want to know her so she can play the new video game?

The important underlying question derived from the above example is how can you tell if someone means what they say or has an ulterior motive?

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Activity marcie schwartz Activity marcie schwartz

Listening Activity

It is easy for something to be misunderstood or heard differently than it was spoken. This requires several people to sit in a circle. The first person whispers a sentence into the ear of the person sitting beside them. Then, that person whispers into the ear of the next person what they heard. Continue whispering the sentence, as you heard it, until it makes its way back to the person of origin.

Listening and Language Games


This requires several people to sit in a circle. The first person whispers a sentence into the ear of the person sitting beside them. Then, that person whispers into the ear of the next person what they heard. Continue whispering the sentence, as you heard it, until it makes its way back to the person of origin. Then, the sentence originator speaks out loud what came back. Has it changed? Continue taking turns allowing each person to originate a sentence until everyone has had a turn. Conversation Starter – It is easy for something to be misunderstood or heard differently than it was spoken.

★ Has this ever happened to you?

★ How do you think this could affect the way people feel towards one another?


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Activity marcie schwartz Activity marcie schwartz

Poetry Activity

“How do you feel when someone deeply listens to you?” This question is an opportunity to discover what this means for you. It will also provide insight into what it means to your child. I hope it will inspire you both to write a poem from your heart.

Poetry Game

Writing from Your Heart

“How do you feel when someone deeply listens to you?” This question is an opportunity to discover what this means for you. It will also provide insight into what it means to your child. I hope it will inspire you both to write a poem from your hearts. Poems offer a way to express and hold our feelings. For children, they offer an opportunity to explore their vast imaginations using imagery to describe their feelings. For young children, this can be a joint effort where you scribe what your child has to say.


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